Instructors & Institutions
Breathe Easy
Our goal is to make Respiratory Care Math the go-to math resource for you and your students. In order to do that we know we need to make it easy to see the information for yourself, ask questions, and make it simple to get started. If you are ready to learn more about RCM, or would like to get in touch with us, please fill out the form you see here.

In the meantime, here are a few of the most common questions we get:
What is the ISBN for the book?
ISBN: 978-1-7323179-9-4
Content on the web is not an ebook, so it does not have an ISBN
Do you have text I can put on my syllabus?
Example Text When RCM is Required For Students Respiratory Care Math, A Student Centered Approach by Mike Chaney MS Ed, RRT is a required resource for your program. This math-focused guide will help you better navigate the math used in your program and later on in your respiratory care career. Available in print and digital versions, you may choose whichever format you prefer from their website
Example Text When RCM is Optional For Students Respiratory Care Math, A Student Centered Approach by Mike Chaney MS Ed, RRT is an optional resource for your program. This math-focused guide will help you better navigate the math used in your program and later on in your respiratory care career. Available in print and digital versions, you may choose whichever format you prefer from their website
Where do schools/bookstores start the order process?
We have a page for Institutional Orders located here.
Let's Get Started
Please review the form below and fill out the sections that interest you. Click Submit when you are done and that will get things in motion!